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Get Help with DIY Construction and Household Repairs from Independent Contractors

2 person wearing blue denim jeans
2 person wearing blue denim jeans
man standing infront of miter saw
man standing infront of miter saw
First of all

Hire Trusted Local Contractors

Our platform connects you with independent contractors in your area for all your trade jobs. Get quotes and hire with confidence knowing they are vetted by DIY Trade.

Not to mention

Guides to DIY Construction

Learn how to tackle DIY construction projects with our comprehensive guides. From basic repairs to major renovations, our step-by-step tutorials will help you save money and get the job done right.

a close up of a piece of wood on a pallet
a close up of a piece of wood on a pallet
And let's not forget

Shop for DIY Supplies

Get all the supplies you need for your DIY projects in our online store. We carry a wide range of products at competitive prices, so you can get everything you need in one place.

handheld tool lot
handheld tool lot

About us

DIY Trade is a platform connecting independent contractors with customers in the UK. Our mission is to make it easier for people to find trusted professionals for their trade jobs, as well as provide resources and supplies for DIY construction and household repairs.

Coming Soon - Join DIY Trade today and start your next project with confidence.

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